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The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked

Илана Либ
The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked





Many wonder why those who commit evil deeds often don’t face consequences, while good people may suffer unjustly. But the laws of karma are not that simple. No good or bad deed goes without consequences.

Types of Karma

There are four types of karma: Sanchita Karma, Prarabdha Karma, Kriyamana Karma, and Agami Karma (Vartamana Karma).

Sanchita Karma

This is the reservoir of all karma a person has (including all incarnations). It clears if the person engages in personal development, and as long as there is something to correct, they will be born again and again. If the person does not grow spiritually, the debts, sins, deeds, idleness, wrong thoughts, and everything they didn’t understand accumulate in the Sanchita Karma.

Prarabdha Karma

This is the karma to be corrected in this life (only in this life, which essentially constitutes the results of the soul’s many incarnations). Prarabdha Karma is usually very harsh. It cannot be avoided. The Vedic horoscope is the reflection of Prarabdha Karma. This karma predetermines certain events in life and longevity.

Kriyamana Karma

This is karma that operates quickly, these are the results of actions in the current life. But sometimes it happens that a person did something now and will only pay for it in the next life (Agami Karma).

Agami Karma

This is karma that can be changed after understanding an action, any act or non-action.

Jyotish is divided into three main parts: Ganita, Samhita, and Hora.


Ganita – Astrological observation (astronomy). Earlier, when there were no computers, texts were used to describe the movement of the planets for the next 5 years. Nowadays, computers calculate everything. Ganita is divided into two parts: one is Ganita and the other is Gola.


Gola emphasizes philosophical observation related to the movement of planets. Observing the position of a certain planet and what phenomena are occurring in the sky at that time. Nowadays, astrologers no longer deal with this. It is the job of astronomers.


This part of astrology is responsible for laws and regulations. These are laws for conducting religious rituals, for example. Samhita answers the question of what to do when a certain event occurs in a person’s life.


This part of astrology is used by astrologers. Today, they don’t deal with Ganita and Samhita. Hora is divided into four parts: Jatana, Nimita, Prashna, Muhurta.


Jatana deals with the birth chart, the combinations of planets, everything related to a person’s horoscope.


This is predictive astrology, based on diagnosing and predicting events according to signs (body signs, natural phenomena, based on the behavior of animals, birds, unusual situations, surprising encounters). This part of astrology is not particularly researched, but it works in extraordinary ways. It includes various signs carrying subtext and signals of karma. But it is important to pay attention to them. Dreams are also related to Nimita.

Here, I will give some examples. The first story is related to the famous ship, Admiral Nakhimov. Someone I know bought a ticket for a cruise for her daughter. Three days before the cruise, the ticket disappeared, although it was always in plain sight in the closet. Then a new ticket was purchased. Obviously, everything ended in tragedy.

The second story is related to starting a job that brought much suffering and a spine disease. The girl went through the job interview, was accepted, and was supposed to start the next day. That very night, she felt ill. It turned out she contracted rubella and started working only after two weeks. The illness was a good warning that she shouldn’t have taken that job.

Here’s another story about a new job. This person, before starting his new job, dreamed of all his deceased relatives. They stood together and judged him with their looks. In that job, he experienced unrequited love and many humiliating situations. It took him a long time to recover.

A beautiful white dove appeared in the stairwell of my friend’s house a month before she met her future husband. What was surprising was that the dove appeared in such a place. Such doves are usually seen in circuses, specially bred. The beautiful plumage looked like a fancy costume. But the dove had a problem with its leg. The children kept it at home and cared for it until it healed. Shortly after, the friend got married, but the marriage was very difficult, with many significant problems.


This is a special method where a horoscope for an event is calculated in order to answer a question related to a specific event. In this case, the client’s birth chart is not used. According to certain rules, it is diagnosed whether the event will be delayed or not. There can be a yes or no answer to the asked question. It is also possible to receive an answer when someone wants to know if a specific person is alive. This method helps to see the investigated event very clearly.


Muhurta is used to diagnose whether a certain time is auspicious for starting something. It can be the purchase of a car, a house, a wedding, etc.

Today, personal charts – main and divisional charts – can be calculated using professional websites. It is enough to search for:

Free Astrology, Vedic Horoscope by date of birth and time.

After entering personal details, the charts will appear after clicking the title:

Lagna, Navamsha charts.

Characteristics of houses in the horoscope and their rulers

All houses in the Vedic horoscope are divided into groups. The houses belonging to the same group affect each other.

Kendra (houses: 1, 4, 7, 10) – These houses are considered the main and the foundation of the horoscope. It is easier to overcome difficulties with a strong foundation. These houses are considered the houses of the god Vishnu. Therefore, it is preferable for benefic planets to be in these houses to strengthen the foundation.

Trikona (houses: 1, 5, 9) – The most auspicious houses, they are called the houses of Lakshmi. The goddess Lakshmi brings us only success and prosperity. Therefore, it would be very good if benefic planets are in these houses.

Dusthana (houses: 3, 6, 8, 12) – These are unfavorable houses, and their characteristics speak for themselves: diseases, enemies, death, loss. Although the third house's characteristics are not clearly associated with something negative, it is considered the least 'Dusthana' house.

Maraka (houses: 2, 7) – These houses are traditionally called the houses of death because they relate to everything that can shorten a person's life.

Upachaya (houses: 3, 6, 10, 11) – These are houses of growth. These houses are considered good for malefic planets because as the person matures, these houses gain a lot of strength. Even malefics like Saturn and Mars can soften their negative effects.

House Lords

In order to determine the lord of a house, you must check which sign the house is in to know which planet rules it.

– In Aries – the ruling planet is Mars (Ketu)

– In Taurus – the ruling planet is Venus

– In Gemini – the ruling planet is Mercury

– In Cancer – the ruling planet is the Moon

– In Leo – the ruling planet is the Sun

– In Virgo – the ruling planet is Mercury

– In Libra – the ruling planet is Venus

– In Scorpio – the ruling planet is Mars (Ketu)

– In Sagittarius – the ruling planet is Jupiter

– In Capricorn – the ruling planet is Saturn (Rahu)

– In Aquarius – the ruling planet is Saturn (Rahu)

– In Pisces – the ruling planet is Jupiter

Rahu and Ketu can rule houses from the Kendra group (houses 1, 4, 7, 10).

When diagnosing which planet rules the house under examination, you can check where it is located in the birth chart, i.e., in which house the lord of the examined house is. If there are other planets next to the ruling planet, they will affect the rulers, and it may change the data written below, for better or worse.

The First House in the Horoscope

The first house is an important factor that defines our physical body, and it also shows our position in life at large. A serious affliction to it means that the mother of the horoscope owner had a difficult birth. Someone born with a serious defect in the first house may die in childhood. The weakness of the first house is the main indicator of poor health. It shows innate physical capability. For a person to achieve significant success in life, the first house and its lord must be strong enough. The houses related to the first house define the most important areas that are expressed through our personality in the world.

The Lord of the First House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the first house: A happy childhood, a good start in life, birth in a wealthy and noble family, good health, strength, honor, happiness, good Dharma (knowledge of laws, morality, fairness, duty and its fulfillment), ability to lead, longevity. The houses of Dharma are 1, 5, 9.


In the second house: Wealth, good education, interest in educational matters, possible career in education, morality, correct speech, public speaking abilities, interest in financial matters, happy family life.

In the third house: Courage, initiative, help in various matters from siblings, personal efforts bring success. The person typically exhibits stubbornness, a strong willpower. This is a personality with strong desires. There is an interest in the arts, and the career may be related to music, drama, or dance.

In the fourth house: The person’s home, honor, happiness from the mother, land, vehicles, yachts, various types of real estate, inherited property, status or fame, academic degree, longevity, good health, spiritual nature or interest in Moksha (enlightenment, final liberation). Moksha houses are 4, 8, 12.

In the fifth house: The lord of Dharma (morality, duty) in another Dharma house is auspicious in all matters related to Dharma, intelligence, education, successful investments, wealth, happiness, honor, good fortune, high status or fame, faith and devotion to God, knowledge of mantras, interest in religious practices, high morals, nobility, humility, self-respect, profits from the government or politicians, great merit earned in previous lives. This position increases longevity.

In the sixth house: Health problems, difficulties, shortened life, unhappy childhood, suffering, a poor start to life, possible legal accusation if other data confirms it: connection with the maternal uncle. There will be a need for hard work, interest in certain diets and medical practices to reach perfection. Work becomes an important factor in life. There is an ability to earn well; wealth comes slowly and after hard work.

In the seventh house: Marriage with love, a good, wealthy, and loyal marriage partner, great benefit from the partner’s family, strength, honor, good fortune. Since the lord of the ascendant is in the seventh house, it reflects aspects on itself (the first house – ascendant): strong desires, strong sexual personality, long-distance travel or residence in other countries.

In the eighth house: Poor health, weakened life force, lack of self-respect, difficulties, suffering, unhappy childhood, poor start in life, possible legal accusation. If other data in the horoscope confirms it, long-lasting illnesses, disasters, large debts, lack of recognition or fame are possible. On the other hand, there is a possibility of receiving money from the marriage partner, profits from insurance companies, success in occult sciences or yoga. There is an inclination toward spiritual life, Moksha, or asceticism. This position may negatively affect appearance.

In the ninth house: The lord of Dharma in another Dharma house is especially auspicious. This brings a happy destiny, wealth, good fortune, prosperity. There may be help from the father, receiving the father’s property. High morality, a religious mindset, compassion. This position brings honor or fame. Additionally, good health, strength, strong Dharma, and long life are characteristic.

In the tenth house: Honor or fame, a good career, high status, good reputation, health, strength, long life, wealth, successful Dharma.

In the eleventh house: Benefit from elder relatives, many auspicious opportunities, success in achieving high goals, wealth, ability to earn well. This is a personality with strong desires.

In the twelfth house: Brings difficulties, suffering, unhappiness, an unattractive appearance, debts, lack of self-confidence, poor health, lack of recognition or fame, unhappy childhood, poor start to life. The person will leave their birthplace. Legal accusation is possible. If other data confirms, there may be periods where personal freedom is limited (hospital, monastery, prison). However, good sexual life, residence abroad, emigration, inclination toward spiritual life, asceticism, or yoga, success in meditation or yoga, good deeds without reward in this life, which is good for life after death (i.e., for attaining heaven). There is little interest in everyday life – a wonderful condition for self-realization and enlightenment.

The Second House in the Horoscope

The second house defines the means of livelihood, is related to our ability to earn money and support ourselves materially. Besides that, the second house is connected to the mouth, meaning it characterizes appetite and can serve as a measure of taste—not only in food, but in a broader sense: artistic, intellectual, persuasive. Since this is the house of speech, it is also related to intellect and speech abilities, as well as to artistic and poetic self-expression. The second house follows the first and represents childhood (from infancy to adolescence). A damaged second house may indicate a difficult childhood or early separation from parents.

A strong second house can bring wealth, a high social status, speech and writing abilities. When the second house is damaged, it may indicate wastefulness or sharpness and roughness in speech.

The Lord of the Second House in Different Houses of the Horoscope

In the first house: Receiving wealth due to your own efforts, the person's Dharma is related to money, speech, education, knowledge.

In the second house: The planet is in its own house, receiving wealth without many efforts, a career in banking or education, exceptional speech abilities, learning, happy family life, good expression, a beautiful face, good eyesight, nutritious food, poetry.

In the third house: Wealth may be received through the help of siblings, profits through art, music, drama, dance, communication, writing, the internet, organizing trips, work related to hands, efforts directed toward gaining wealth.

In the fourth house: Wealth or property may come from the mother, inherited property, receiving an academic degree, good education, profits through the mother, real estate, psychology, vehicles, institutions related to children (kindergartens, entertainment venues for children), architecture.

In the fifth house: Wealth, finances through speculation or ventures, wisdom, learning, family happiness, profits due to children, nutritious food. Due to the good karma earned by the person in previous lives (Purva Punya), they may receive money without many efforts in this life, profits through students, education, and accumulation while maintaining morals and ethics.

In the sixth house: The lord of Artha (success in the material world, houses 2, 6, 10) in another Artha house—excellent for finances, but wealth comes slowly, after many efforts. Since this house is considered a Dushthana (a challenging house), profits come through the medical profession or the service sector (hotels, public catering, warriors, police), there are difficulties with speech, which can improve with great efforts, rough language, non-nutritious food, problems with the right eye, limited imagination.

In the seventh house: The marriage partner is wealthy and helps in gaining wealth, receiving money through foreign trips or foreign institutions, through business partners, social work, active social life, travel, work with a large number of people, consulting work, embassies.

In the eighth house: Poverty, large expenses, defects in speech, servitude, rough language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, poor education, non-nutritious food, problems with the right eye, potential to earn money in undesirable or illegal ways, through supernatural powers, magic, mysticism, healing. The person may have limited imagination, a good inheritance is possible if the planet is placed in a favorable sign or receives good aspects.

In the ninth house: Wealth, finances from the father, elders, or religious organizations, inheritance due to fate, good speech, happy family life, learning, education, good imagination, nutritious food, profits from spiritual activity, preaching, teaching.

In the tenth house: The lord of Artha in another Artha house—especially favorable for finances, wealth due to career, high status, good reputation, possible profits from the government or high-ranking individuals, livelihood through organizational work, management, work with finances.

In the eleventh house: This may be the best position for wealth and easy gains, profits from a wide range of sources, possible help from an elder sibling, possible profits from banking or investments, as well as from influential people, independent business.

In the twelfth house: Poverty, lack of control over expenses, large debts, defects in speech, problems with the right eye, shyness, limited imagination, rough language, tendency to lie, unhappy family life, non-nutritious food. There may be profits in undesirable or illegal ways, all money gets spent. There may be profits related to loans or foreign countries, long trips, foreign institutions, organizing spiritual trips, through translation work, linguistics.

The Third House in the Horoscope

This house defines the motivation and the most important interests for us, both intellectually and physically. It helps diagnose what we enjoy engaging with the most. The areas related to this house are pleasures, favorite games, and hobbies. Well-placed planets in the third house indicate a deep interest in the truth of things, the ability for serious investigations and research thinking, which grants the person artistic talents and abilities.

The third house is about siblings, courage, adventures, personal efforts, energy, life, initiative, inventiveness, all possible desires, voice, musicality, dancing, drama, singers, dancers, actors, producers, managers, organizers, hearing, mental stability, personal resilience, neighbors, communication, writing, service providers, travels (short trips), hands, palms, shoulders, the right ear, chest, vitality.

The lord of the third house in different houses of the horoscope

In the first house: Talent, potential for a career in music, dance, drama, livelihood through personal efforts. Generally, this position does not bode well for health or other first house matters, but the person will be courageous.

In the second house: Continuous efforts in obtaining resources, wealth comes through stressful work, minor difficulties in family life. This position does not bode well for relationships with siblings, though they may help somehow with financial gains.

In the third house: A planet in its own house brings happiness from siblings, successful relatives, good hearing, many adventures, wishes come true with minimal effort, musical talent, talent in dance, drama, a beautiful voice, literary talent. There may be a career in mass communication. The personality is characterized by courage, bravery, persistence, vitality, mobility, initiative, and many short trips.

In the fourth house: Efforts and events may be related to real estate, farms, or land. Siblings may be close to the mother, or they may inherit family wealth. Relatives may be connected to houses and farms.

In the fifth house: Happiness from relatives, wealthy relatives. The person may be involved in speculation, has good character, high morale, and good deeds. This person is brave, wishes come true, and has talents in music, dance, drama, and literary abilities.

In the sixth house: Activities related to health (medical profession), there may be work in the service sector. Wishes are fulfilled slowly and only after many repeated efforts. This position brings wealth only if the person works hard. It brings problems with relatives, though relations may improve over time. There may be problems with the right eye, and relatives may be connected to the medical field.

In the seventh house: The lord of a Kama house (desires and emotional satisfaction at all levels, houses 3, 7, 11) in another Kama house fulfills all desires. The personality has strong desires, efforts are successful, benefits from relatives, relatives may live abroad. Adventures are related to the opposite sex, strong sexual desires. This position does not bode well for marriage.

In the eighth house: Misery from younger siblings, terrible relationships with relatives. Younger relatives may die young or have difficult lives. There is a lack of courage, constant fears, wishes that do not come true, the person makes great efforts, but the reward is small. Problems with the right ear, poor communication skills, no artistic talents. There may be an interest in astrology, hidden knowledge, or secret matters. The younger sibling may be connected to occult sciences.


In the ninth house: Adventures in distant travels, benefits from relatives, talent in music, dance, or drama, singing abilities. Efforts bear fruit, and there are many exciting adventures. Siblings may be close to the father or inherit the father’s property. They may be religious. The lord of the third house does not bode well for the ninth house's matters (luck, father, and others), but the third house benefits doubly, as the ninth house is an excellent house, and the lord of the third house in the ninth casts an aspect on itself.

In the tenth house: Hard work in the career, successful work of relatives, good profits. There may be a career in music, drama, dance, or literature. Courage, adventurousness, and travels for professional purposes.

In the eleventh house: The lord of the house of desires in another house of desires – brings many good omens. Wishes are fulfilled, efforts bear fruit, relatives may help in acquiring wealth. Profits from investments or work in literature and the arts. Courage and adventurousness.

In the twelfth house: Misery from relatives, relatives suffer or die young, terrible relationships with relatives, problems with the right ear. Wishes are fulfilled with difficulty. The person makes great efforts, but the reward is small. Few adventures, lack of courage, constant fears, ugly voice, no musical, dance, or drama talents. There will be long trips abroad, interest in meditation, personal development, and charity. Relatives may practice meditation, be ascetics, or have an inclination towards spiritual life. They may also end up in prison or a monastery. Such a person may suffer because of relatives (e.g., receive wrong advice).
